Thursday, July 11, 2013

Microsoft Word 2007 Office Button Funcation

In this post we discuses more button and functions of Office button.When you click this button you can see Microsoft Word 2007 Office Button menu such as Open, Save, Save As, Print, Prepare, Send, Publish, Close and other menu item...Now you learn more useful tools and items of Office button...

Microsoft Word 2007 Office Button Funcation

Open Button
When you click the Microsoft Office Button you can see the second icon of office button is Open.We always use this icon to open our previous file.If  our beginners visitor using first time the Microsoft Word 2007 we will teach you how to open your previous file? It is a very simple procedure.If you want to open your old file then click the open item of office button.When you click this option the dialogue box will appear on your computer screen, now select your old file and click on open button.Now your previous file is open.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Microsoft Word 2007 Office Button

Our previous post we discuss right side button and tools, in order to understand something practically we specially create a text image content for our beginners visitors.Our main aim is we will provide you a complete online software course, that is why we want to share all basic information for you because we know basic tools and commands are very important to understand any software.In this post you’ll be able to learn  
Microsoft Word 2007 Office Button.

Monday, July 8, 2013

MS Office Word 2007 Layout Button Tutorial

This is full and free online MS Office Word 2007 Tutorial.In this post we discuss some basic but very important information.Our previous posts we already thought you MS Office Word we gave you an introduction post of MS Office Word 2007 Tutorial.In this post you learn some useful tools and commands of MS Office Word 2007.Its a complete beginners MS Office Word 2007 lesson.

MS Office Word 2007 Tutorial (Layout)

Here we discuss the first icon of screen display known as title bar.You can easily find this tool in first top right side menu.In right side menu there were three buttons.First button that has cross sign it call close button, it means this button use for close the software. Now lets talk about second button that call restore button, the function of restore button is to minimize the window of software, and the third and last button is minimize button it work as to put software window into status bar and store it.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Microsoft Word 2007

In this post we share sum basic but very useful information about Microsoft Word 2007 which help you to understand Microsoft Word 2007.People know Microsoft Word 2007 is a program of  Ms Office.Its also called word processor.Word 2007 is very easy to use software in this version of Microsoft Word 2007 you can easily type all kinds of documents such as letters, applications, essay, resume, and all official documents.

Microsoft Word 2007 Layout

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Microsoft Office 2007

We started this blog for those people who did not find any online helpful information about software.Our main aim is to provide you a complete and excellent information of each software or program.Today is my first post and in this post we submit an articles about Microsoft Office 2007.As we know the Microsoft Offic software is used global wise.Microsoft Office 2007 is an application software and people used this software for official documents.Microsoft made some changes in Microsoft Office 2007 file formats.These changes improved reliability and reduce file size.

Microsoft Office 2007 image